No matter how much you spend on your jeans, they're going to start to look worn and tattered after a while. That's why it's important to get them hemmed by a professional. A good hem will give your jeans a clean, precise finish that will make them look like new.

Our tailors are experts in hemming denim. They'll take the time to get your jeans just right, so you can be sure they'll look their best. We offer a variety of hem styles to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. Whether you want your jeans to be cuffed, cropped, or left as-is, we can hem them to your liking.


Our traditional tailoring technique involves cutting your jeans to the perfect length and recreating a proper new hem using a single stitch. This ensures a clean, professional finish that will last for years to come.

Starting at - $45


Love the way your jeans fit, but the hems are starting to look ratty? Don't give up on them yet! With our cut-and-reattach hem service, we can preserve your perfectly roped and worn hem so you can still enjoy the look you love.

Starting at - $55


This is for you denim-head. Our skilled seamstresses will use our vintage Union Special machine -just like a 100 years ago- to add a durable and classic chain-stitch hem to your jeans, giving them an original look and creating that roping effect you are after.

Starting at - $60

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89 Grattan Street, Bushwick, New York City 11237


(929) 900-4052

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